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 The Bell Witch Site | Copyright © 1995 - 2024
Pat Fitzhugh
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Bell Witch Character Biographies

The Real People Behind the Legend


The legend of the Bell Witch is different from many legends because it involved real people--people like you and me. They worked, played, laughed, and cried, just as we do. They had hopes and dreams, just as we do. Some succeeded in life, others did not, just as is the case today. They walked the same land we walk today, only two centuries earlier.

Perhaps the biggest difference between them and us is the reign of terror they were forced to endure, from which there was no escape. These men and women, some of the most powerful and influential of their time and area, now rest peacefully--many in unmarked graves surrounded by hills, forests, weeds, highways, and tobacco fields. They are long gone, but not forgotten. Their legacies live on, here, at The Bell Witch Site.

Click a person's name to learn more about them. For detailed information on the entire legend, characters, places and events, order your signed copy of the book.


The Bell Witch Site
"All Things Bell Witch"

Copyright © 1995-2024
Pat Fitzhugh, All Rights Reserved

Last Update: July 03, 2024